Terms Of Service

Welcome to SwissSystem.org!

This page explains our terms of use. When you use the SwissSystem.org (Site), you’re agreeing to all the rules on this page. Some of them need to be expressed in specific legal language but we’ve done our best to offer you clear and simple explanations of what everything means.

By using this the “Site” offered by SwissSystem.org (together with our subsidiaries, affiliates, representatives, and directors – collectively “SwissSystem.org”, “we”, or “us”) you’re agreeing to these legally binding rules (the “Terms”). You’re also agreeing to our Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy, and agreeing to follow any other rules on the Site.

We may change these terms from time to time. If we do, we’ll let you know about any significant or material changes, by notifying you on the Site. New versions of the terms will never apply retroactively – we’ll tell you the exact date they go into effect. If you continue using SwissSystem.org after a change, that means you accept the new terms.


We like to consider ourselves a digital version of a pairing system. Users of the site are encouraged to use our services and content to develop their understanding of Swiss System. We want to hear what you think would add to your development and enjoyment, so feel free to contact us with suggestions at any time.

Creating an Account

To sign up for a SwissSystem.org account, you need to be 16 or over. If you’re under 16, you can only use SwissSystem.org with child mode permanently enabled (LINK) or with parental-guardian supervision and consent. You’re responsible for your account and all the activity on it.

You can browse SwissSystem.org and use some of our Services without registering an account. But to use all of SwissSystem.org’ functions, you’ll need to register. This is done by choosing a username, setting a password, and securing it with a valid email address. If you don’t submit accurate information, you might not be able to access your account.

When you do that, the information you give us has to be accurate and complete. Don’t impersonate anyone else or choose names that are offensive or that violate anyone’s rights. If you don’t follow these rules, we withhold the right to close your account without warning.

When these terms discuss “Users” or a “User”, we’ll be referring to both registered and unregistered users, unless it relates to features, information or data an unregistered User does not or cannot have access to.

User Rights

Both registered and unregistered users have rights to protect their property, privacy, and identity unless they have consented or agree to making their identity public. Most information on this topic can be found in our Privacy Policy.

SwissSystem.org believes that users should have their public information, identity, and data protected as strongly as possible.

By agreeing to these Terms, registered Users can have access to all of SwissSystem.org’ features and are free to use them for their own personal, educational, charitable, or developmental purposes.

Users are also free to transfer most of the content they’ve created for their own purposes.

Users are responsible for the content they post. Some examples of content would include information, data, text, photographs, chocolate cake recipes, messages, and other materials. We won’t be responsible for the content you post.

Our Privacy Policy states which data SwissSystem.org will take from a User’s device and why it does. This data will only ever be in line with our legal obligations, being necessary and proportionate. A User can query what data SwissSystem.org has on them by making a Subject Access Request to the SwissSystem.org administrators.

In all circumstances, we may retain certain information as required by law or necessary for our legitimate operating purposes. All of the provisions within this agreement survive the termination of an account.

Closing and Terminating your Account

You can terminate your account at any time by contacting the SwissSystem.org administrators. This will permanently erase your account and all content and data. Although we may retain certain information as required by law or as necessary for our legitimate operating purposes. All of the provisions within this agreement survive the termination of an account.

Our rights

To operate, we need to be able to maintain control over what happens on our website. To summarise, we withhold the right to make decisions to protect the health and integrity of our systems. We’ll only use these powers when we absolutely must.

We can make changes to the SwissSystem.org Site and Services without letting you know in advance, or being liable for any loss, damage, or harm that arises as a result.

We have the ultimate say in who can use our Site and Services. We can cancel accounts, or decline to let Users use our Services.

We are not responsible for any loss, damage, or harm that may arise from any occasional downtime.

We reserve the right to contact the relevant authorities if a User is breaking the law, and share relevant data with the authorities, if harm or damage occurs either against our Users or against the operation of our infrastructure.

This list is non-exhaustive, and we reserve the right to add, edit, or remove entries from it at any time.


Our privacy policy describes how we handle the information you provide to us when you use our services. You understand that through your use of the services you consent to the collection and use, as set out in the privacy policy, of this information.


SwissSystem.org respects the intellectual property rights of others and expects Users of the Services to do the same. SwissSystem.org reserves the right to remove content alleged to be infringing without prior notice at our sole discretion and without liability to you. We will respond to notices of alleged copyright infringement, that comply with applicable law and are properly provided to us, as described in our copyright policy.

If you believe your content has been copied in a way that constitutes copyright infringement please alert us by contacting us.

You retain your rights to any content you submit, post or create through the services including chess games. By submitting, posting or displaying content on or through our services, you grant us a global, non-exclusive, royalty-free license, with the right to sublicense, to use, copy, reproduce, process, adapt, modify, publish, transmit, display and distribute such content in any and all media or distribution channels. Such additional uses may be made without compensation paid to you with respect to the content you make available through the services. This does not remove your rights from other 3rd party sites, such as Twitch or YouTube.


Users are free to donate to SwissSystem.org. SwissSystem.org will receive all funds donated except where there are third party transaction fees.

Donation is a gift to SwissSystem.org, and is not an investment, a loan, nor does it imply any additional transfer of services other than a small visual aesthetic. Donations made fraudulently, in bank error or double transferred may be returned back to the donor's account or bank card which made the donation if requested within 14 days.


Stuff we’re not responsible for

Services made available are on an as is and as available basis. We’re not responsible for whether this stuff actually works, though if it does that’s an added bonus to all of us.

SwissSystem.org makes no warranty or representation and disclaims all responsibility and liability for the completeness, availability, timeliness, accuracy and security of the content and services.

We disclaim all responsibility for any harm or loss of any data to your computer system, the deletion of or failure to store or transmit communications or content maintained by the services or whether the services will meet your requirements or be available on an uninterrupted, secure or error-free basis. SwissSystem.org cannot be held responsible for any loss, financial or otherwise, from third party sources, including misrepresentations, negligence or fraud.

No advice, information or written correspondence whether oral or written procured from SwissSystem.org entities or through SwissSystem.org services will create any warranty or representation not expressly made herein.

Jurisdiction and the process to follow if you’re really upset with us

You agree to accept the law and jurisdiction of Russia by using our services.

If you have any dispute with us, relating to these Terms or by using our Services, try to contact us so we can informally resolve the dispute. If we’re unable to do so, we agree to go through arbitration at a place of our choosing. You’ll need to give us written notice, otherwise we won’t be able to help you.

In the event any provision of these terms is held to be invalid or unenforceable, then that provision will be limited to the minimum enforcement possible, and the remaining terms held with full effect.

These terms are an agreement between you and SwissSystem.org.


SwissSystem.org allows to host adverts. SwissSystem.org is not responsible for third party adverts, widgets and apps hosted by the service providers on its social media.

Premium accounts

SwissSystem.org will never create premium accounts.